A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Yam in Your Compound or Garden in Bags

How To Grow Yam in Your Compound in Bags

Growing yams (Dioscorea spp.) in containers can be a rewarding and efficient way to cultivate this versatile tuberous crop in limited spaces such as your compound or garden. Whether you have a small urban balcony or a spacious backyard, container gardening allows you to harness the benefits of yam cultivation while overcoming the constraints of traditional in-ground planting.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to successfully grow yam in containers using bags, vases, or any other suitable containers. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey of cultivating yams in a confined space!

Benefits of Container Gardening for Yam:

Container gardening offers several advantages for growing yams:

  1. Space Optimization: Containers enable you to grow yams in areas with limited ground space, such as patios, balconies, or rooftops. This opens up possibilities for urban dwellers or those with small gardens.
  2. Portability: Containers allow you to move your yam plants to optimal locations based on sunlight, temperature, and other growing conditions. This flexibility ensures the best possible growth and yield.
  3. Pest and Disease Control: Container gardening reduces the risk of pests and diseases that are typically associated with soil-borne pathogens. This provides a healthier growing environment for your yam plants.
  4. Extended Growing Season: Containers can be brought indoors during colder months, extending the growing season for yams in regions with shorter summers. This helps to maintain a continuous harvest.

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Choosing the Right Container:

Selecting the appropriate container is crucial for successful yam cultivation. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Size: Choose a container that is at least 18 inches deep and 12 inches wide to accommodate the extensive root system of yam plants.
  2. Material: Opt for containers made of durable materials such as plastic, terracotta, or fabric bags. Ensure that the chosen container has sufficient drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
  3. Quantity: If space permits, consider multiple containers to allow for rotation, staggered planting, and increased overall yield.

Preparing the Container:

Before planting yams, follow these essential steps to prepare the container:

  1. Cleanliness: Thoroughly clean the container to remove any debris or contaminants. This reduces the risk of pests or diseases.
  2. Drainage: Ensure the container has adequate drainage holes at the bottom. Place a layer of gravel or small stones at the bottom to facilitate water drainage.
  3. Soil Mix: Prepare a well-draining and nutrient-rich soil mix by combining equal parts of compost, peat moss, and perlite or vermiculite. This will provide the necessary nutrients and ensure proper aeration for the yam plants.

Planting and Caring for Yams:

Now that your container is ready, it’s time to plant and care for your yam crop:

  1. Selecting Yam Varieties: Choose yam varieties that are suitable for container gardening. Compact or bushy yam varieties are ideal for confined spaces. Some recommended varieties include Dioscorea alata (water yam), Dioscorea esculenta (lesser yam), or Dioscorea bulbifera (air potato).
  2. Sprouting Yam Tubers: Before planting, yam tubers need to sprout. Lay the tubers horizontally in a warm, dark, and humid area for around two to three weeks until small shoots emerge. Once sprouted, cut the tubers into sections with at least two or three buds (known as “setts”) and allow them to dry for a few hours.
  3. Planting the Setts: Fill the container with the prepared soil mix, leaving about 2 inches of space from the top. Plant the yam setts with the buds facing upward and ensure they are buried 3-4 inches deep. Space the setts 12-15 inches apart to allow ample room for growth.
  4. Watering and Sunlight: Water the containers thoroughly after planting to settle the soil around the setts. Maintain consistent moisture, but avoid overwatering, as yams prefer slightly drier conditions. Place the containers in a sunny location that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.
  5. Fertilization: Apply a balanced organic fertilizer or compost every 4-6 weeks to provide essential nutrients. Avoid using excessive nitrogen-rich fertilizers, as they can promote excessive foliage growth at the expense of tuber development.
  6. Support and Training: As yam plants grow, provide sturdy trellises, stakes, or cages for support. Gently guide the vines along the support structure, encouraging vertical growth and preventing sprawl.
  7. Pest and Disease Management: Regularly monitor your yam plants for common pests like aphids, mites, or caterpillars. Use organic insecticides or natural pest control methods to keep infestations at bay. Additionally, maintain proper ventilation and avoid overcrowding to minimize the risk of fungal or bacterial diseases.

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Harvesting and Storage:

Patience is key when growing yams, as tubers typically take 6-8 months to mature. Harvesting can be done when the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither. Gently dig around the base of the plant, being careful not to damage the tubers. Use a garden fork or shovel to lift the tubers out of the soil.

After harvest, allow the yams to cure for 1-2 weeks in a warm and dry location. This process helps the tubers develop a tougher skin and enhances their flavor. Store the cured yams in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area for long-term storage.

Turning an Investment of N277,000 into N3,223,000 in 8 Months

Yam farming holds immense profit potential, and with a modest investment, you can generate millions of Naira within a relatively short timeframe. Let’s break down the cost calculation for growing 2000 pieces of yam:

  1. Yam Sacks: The cost of 2000 yam sacks at N100 each amounts to N20,000.
  2. Yam Sprouts: Purchasing 200 yam sprouts from the local market at N15,000 for 10 sets totals N150,000.
  3. Water Tanks: Investing in 2000 liters of water tanks comes to N92,000.
  4. Fertilizer: The cost of a bag of NPK fertilizer in the local market is N15,000.

The total cost of growing 2000 pieces of yam is N277,000.

According to market research in Lagos, a set of 100 large yam tubers is sold for N175,000. Multiplying this by 20 sets amounts to N3,500,000. Just by cultivating yam in your backyard, you can potentially become a millionaire!

Now, let’s calculate the profit. Deducting the total cost of production (N277,000) from the total revenue generated from sales (N3,500,000), your profit over 8 months would be N3,223,000. It’s truly remarkable how such a simple investment can yield substantial returns. As you gain more capital, you can expand your production and further increase your profits.

The yam business presents a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs to generate significant wealth. With careful planning, investment, and effective farming techniques, you can tap into the vast potential of the yam market and achieve remarkable financial success.


Growing yams in containers offers an exciting opportunity to explore the world of container gardening while reaping the benefits of this versatile and nutritious crop. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can successfully cultivate yams in your compound or garden, regardless of limited space. Embrace the joy of harvesting your own homegrown yams and enjoy the delicious rewards of your efforts!

Remember to adapt these instructions to your specific climate, as yam cultivation techniques may vary depending on your region. Happy gardening and happy yam cultivation!

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